Cat goes viral for her 10/10 paw print In the clip, a tuxedo cat is seen gently held by a presumed owner or a family member. The person carefully presses the cat’s paw into a soft clay dough.
So, a tiny paw print — measuring just 1.2 inches (3 cm) across — got embedded into the clay. Over a millennium later, researchers spotted this unexpected mark. The paw print was discovered ...
What says more about RIT, technology, and Tiger Pride? This keychain is made of computer circuit board and a laser cut paw print. Mounted in a silver plated setting and sealed with an acrylic resin ...
Keri Michalek met Paw Print Ministries when she was receiving treatment at the Cancer Care Center in Decatur. She told WAND News after meeting Alice, a PawPrint Ministries pup, she knew she needed ...