The actor, whose career has spanned three decades, said his wife Phillipa Coan and children have "lived with and supported" his passion for acting over the years. Overwhelmed with emotion ...
His wife Phillipa Coan and two of his adult children -- Rafferty and Iris Law -- were also on hand to cheer him on. "Jude Law's incredible talent and dedication to his craft have captivated ...
Law, joined by his wife Phillipa Coan and children Iris and Raff, called the recognition “a testament to collaboration.” The award-winning actor, also starring in Star Wars: Skeleton Crew ...
His wife Phillipa Coan and two of his adult children -- Rafferty and Iris Law -- were also on hand to cheer him on. "Jude Law's incredible talent and dedication to his craft have captivated ...
Jude Law has his parents to thank for his movie-star status. On Thursday, Dec. 12, the actor, 51, appeared in Los Angeles for his Hollywood Walk of Fame star ceremony, accompanied by his wife Phillipa ...
Law, joined by his wife Phillipa Coan and children Iris and Raff, called the recognition “a testament to collaboration.” The award-winning actor, also starring in Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, becomes the ...