Why? Butterflies (along with bees and birds) all pollinate flowers and fruit. And with those high-pollination days come the nose blowing, sneezing, watery eyes and sinus headaches. While gardeners ...
Even small gardens in built-up areas can support a great variety of butterflies if they contain the right plants. In the heart of London, the Museum's Wildlife Garden has recorded 23 species of ...
Making your garden an attractive space for an insect starts with food. Adult butterflies get their energy from nectar, and they visit gardens looking for flowers to feed on. Grow nectar-rich flowers ...
Provide the butterflies with warmth (a sunny spot), shelter (shrubs and trees) and nectar and butterflies will start to use your garden to feed and maybe even breed.
This plant, butterfly milkweed or Asclepias tuberosa, currently is in its full summer beauty. Butterfly milkweed is a native plant that is tough as nails in the garden. Since the plant is a native ...