Plastic pollution, in particular its wide-spread presence in our land and oceans, has been an ongoing issue. A recent study by UCSB researchers spanning across the Marine Science Institute, Bren ...
Toxins on poison dart frog skin mold the skin's microbial community, boosting species variety and potentially even feeding some daredevil bacteria.
Different Subspecies While the golden dart frog is the most famous member of the poison dart frogs, there are several other frog species in the same family that share similar toxic traits.These ...
In 2015, a team of scientists reported that the Greening's frog and Bruno's casque-headed frog, both endemic to Brazil, have a significant defensive advantage when it comes to transferring their ...
Republicans in the U.S. Congress mounted a third attempt to avert a government shutdown on Friday with only hours to spare, after two previous plans were scuttled by President-elect Donald Trump ...
Over the course of the history of life on Earth, animals have developed all kinds of unique and bizarre defense mechanisms. But the line between "poisonous" and "venomous" is often the most ...
Scientists have not determined the cause of the declines, but it is likely a combination of ecological factors: pollution, deforestation, and water acidity. Northern leopard frogs are so named for ...
STORY: This large Chilean frog species survived the extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs. :: Quilpue, Chile But now the amphibian, described by one researcher as a "living fossil", is facing ...
Only five of the ponds surveyed were free of cattle, untrammeled and supporting Chiricahua leopard frogs. One of those sites was a gated quarry with no access for cattle. Three other ponds were ...