The story of The Lion King roars into life every evening at the Lyceum Theatre, using spectacular masks, puppets, and costumes to tell the story of Simba's epic adventures, as he struggles with the ...
In the prestigious Design District, Cartier unveils a pop-up Trinity 100 exhibit (from December 4-8) that showcases the history of the beloved Trinity jewelry and watch collection and introduces a ...
Disney’s The Lion King is marking two major milestones in its West End run with a free pop-up exhibition at Battersea Power Station. The production, currently in its 26th year, will celebrate its ...
The Collins Pop-up Exhibition Series would feature at the Greve de Lecq Barracks studios throughout the year, organisers said. There will be six pop-ups taking place in 2025, and the first will ...
To celebrate and honor Martin Luther King Jr., the Ulrich Museum of Art selected pieces that represented his mission and work for a pop-up exhibit. “They’re artists and collections of works that kind ...