Daffy Duck and Porky Pig embark on a mission to save the planet in a new teaser trailer for The Day the Earth Blew Up: A ...
After weeks on the run, police in Bucks County finally have a pesky porker behind bars. Bensalem Township Police said the pig ...
"It was a rocky journey." A stampede of no less than 15 screenwriters and story consultants have their names on the far-out cartoon tale, which focuses on Porky Pig and Daffy Duck stumbling onto a ...
Two cartoon hands meet with bubblegum in the middle A stampede of no less than 15 screenwriters and story consultants have their names on the far-out cartoon tale, which focuses on Porky Pig and ...
18 that they were trying to capture a pig seen running hog wild around the area. A persistent search for the ham on the lam finally ended on Dec. 17. The department said Porky the Pig was captured ...
Daffy Duck and Porky Pig team up in the feature film, which was produced by Warner Bros. before being sold to Ketchup Entertainment. An official synopsis for the film reads: “Porky Pig and Daffy ...