Praying the Rosary is certainly a spiritual aid in finding ... in Familiaris consortio : "only by praying together with their children can a father and mother - exercising their royal priesthood ...
Fun Family Activity: Make your own rosaries. Kits are available from Holy Cross Family Ministries by calling 800-299-PRAY or at ...
Is there an easy way to start teaching her how to pray the rosary? She currently knows the Our Father and the Hail Mary. A: What a marvelous task to initiate the youngest to the mysteries of our faith ...
The initiative began in 2005 when a group of children was seen praying the rosary at a local shrine in Caracas, the ...
Visit the homepage for more information. Many of the popes have championed the Rosary as a powerful, multifaceted devotion. The theologian Romano Guardini described praying the rosary as ...
By Deborah Castellano Lubov Thousands of children across the United States Midwest came together on January 28, on the occasion of Catholic Schools Week, to pray the World Mission Rosary, via Zoom.