Pruning is a great task to tackle in January for certain plants to get your garden off to a good start this year. An expert ...
Make sure your garden is in good condition during the winter can be a task, but you should be aware of the plants which ...
Here are the best plants to give a much needed trim this month to ensure an 'abundance of blooms' in the growing season ...
There are fewer jobs that need to be done in the garden in January, but pruning is often one of the most important to do at ...
Correct lopsided growth by lightly pruning longer shoots and hard pruning weak stems. Shrubs such as forsythia and buddleja can soon accumulate masses of old, dead wood in the centre if they are ...
With a good pruning schedule you can keep hedges under ... while those that flower on old wood, such as forsythia, deutzia and berberis, should be pruned when the blooms fade.