Essays on aspects of analytical therapy, specifically the transference, abreaction, and dream analysis. Contains an additional essay, "The Realities of Practical Psychotherapy," found among Jung's ...
Internationally known as the founder of analytical psychology. DR. CARL G. JUNG is a Swiss who look his medical degree at the University of Zurich and did graduate work at the University of Paris ...
Join us for an illuminating introduction to the psychology of Carl Jung and his groundbreaking ideas about the creative, healing power of the unconscious. A founding father of depth psychology ...
The topic was Carl Jung, the founding father of analytic psychology, who proposed and developed the concepts of extravert and introvert personalities, and the power of the unconscious. Dr Stein ...
Join us for a thorough introduction to Jung and learn about aspects of his work that are particularly relevant today. We will look at Jung’s key concepts like Ego, Self, Persona, Shadow ...
Religion, more than sexuality, cast psychoanalysis in controversy and onto the world stage even as it threatened to dismantle the psychoanalytic collective. In the founding years of the first ...
and analytical psychology? Jungian therapy is the outgrowth of the ideas of Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist active in the early 20th century. He was a friend and collaborator of Sigmund ...