In "Mufasa," Beyoncé reprises her role as Queen Nala from the 2019 movie "The Lion King." Her oldest daughter, Blue Ivy, plays the role of Princess Kiara, the eldest daughter of Nala and Simba ...
Beyonce plays Queen Nala, and Blue Ivy Carter, who has become quite popular with her tour appearances, plays her daughter Kiara! A real-life mother-daughter playing a reel one was not coincidental ...
It's the latest way Beyoncé has interwoven her legacy — and her family's — with the film franchise. In "Mufasa," Beyoncé reprises her role as Queen Nala from the 2019 movie "The Lion King." Her oldest ...
Twelve-year-old Blue Ivy will voice the role of Princess Kiara, the oldest daughter of Queen Nala, voiced by Blue Ivy's mom, Beyoncé, reprising her role from the 2019 movie "The Lion King." Kiara's ...
She is the eldest daughter of Queen Nala – a role that Beyoncé will reprise having first played her in 2019’s The Lion King. Donald Glover will also reprise his role of Simba. Although Kiara ...