Rakhi Sawant recently appeared on Samay Raina’s show, India’s Got Latent’s latest episode. She was a part of the panel with comedian Aashish Solanki, Maheep Singh, Yashraj and Balraj Ghai.
Indian entertainer, actress, and personality Rakhi Sawant has once again stirred the pot with her bold and playful statements. This time, the drama unfolded with Pakistani actress Hania Aamir ...
On Tuesday (October 8), a social media user who was present on the sets of India's Got Latent during the shoot in Delhi, said ...
In a recent interview, Indian entertainer Rakhi Sawant made waves by challenging Pakistani actresses Hania Aamir, Nargis, and Deedar to a dance-off, declaring that she could easily beat all three ...
Actor Ram Kapoor, known for his roles in the televisin industry once hosted the popular reality TV series Rakhi Ka Swayamwar, starring Rakhi Sawant ... displayed in the face of adversity.