A variety of factors - from stress to pornography - can cause couples to have less sex, a relationship counsellor has said.
If you've experienced childhood abuse—whether physical, sexual, or emotional—you may be facing relational challenges.
Can rejection sensitivity hinder my relationship? Created with Sketch. Being hypersensitive to perceived slights from your partner can derail your relationship. The person feeling rejected may ...
Though painful, social rejection can be a powerful learning tool, new USC research suggests. The study, published in ...
While the study related to rejection in general rather than focusing in on romantic relationships, it’s fair to say the results ring true for many situations in life, including love – and if ...
Whether you’ve been dumped, ghosted or friend-zoned – rejection in relationships is the pits. So how exactly should we navigate it properly? How do we do that “learn and grow from it ...
Fear of rejection can be a formidable barrier to building and nurturing relationships and might stem from the deep-seated, evolutionary anxiety of not being accepted or valued by others ...
This can lead to constant reassurance-seeking, jealousy, and clinginess, which can strain the relationship. Rejection ...
The feeling you get deep inside when you're rejected is crushing. Rejection can happen when you're not accepted for a job you had applied for or even when a love interest turns down your offer for ...