In the heart of the Sahara Desert, where endless dunes meet rocky plateaus, an unexpected refuge exists: the Guelta of Matmata in Mauritania. This remote oasis is home to one of the last groups of ...
This story appears in the October 2009 issue of National Geographic magazine. An ancient wind is coming up from a place called deep time. The Sahara strikes us as an eternal inferno of dunes and ...
A stunning city in Egypt that boasts "mirage-like" sky-blue waters and a romantic ... and the Great Sand Sea in the Western Desert of the Sahara, Siwa Oasis has long been a source of intrigue ...
Paleoclimate and archaeological evidence tells us that, 11,000-5,000 years ago, the Earth's slow orbital 'wobble' transformed today's Sahara desert to a land covered with vegetation and lakes.