Tetsuro, who suffers from cannibalistic urges, begins living with his girlfriend Maki deep in the mountains of Saitama, and they have a daughter named Hikari. One day, Hikari eats and kills ...
People from Saitama Prefecture are persecuted and, because of this, they hide the fact that they are from there. In Tokyo, Momomi Hakuhodo is a male high school student and the son of the Tokyo ...
However, something that caught hold of fans' interest even more was the return of the series' protagonist, Saitama. The One Punch Man manga has been depicting the Ninjas Arc for over a year.
It leads to a fight between Saitama’s protege Genos and Garou, with the latter being saved by the Monster Association’s Phoenix Man. Inevitably, Saitama – having been sidetracked by ...
The iconic anime One Punch Man is finally returning for a third season. The new batch of episodes will adapt the manga’s Monster Association Arc, featuring an epic battle between Garou and Saitama.