Jews who observe the holiday typically self-reflect during the 49-day “Omer count” period and work on their spiritual growth. This year, it begins the evening of Sunday, May 16 and lasts until ...
Shavuot is the festival when we celebrate the receiving of the Torah and, in the words of the late Chief Rabbi Sacks zt”l, we celebrate being “free to” live a Jewish life.
Themes: The Jewish festival of Shavuot; the Bible story of Ruth and Naomi; loyalty; welcoming others. Ruth: Yes, my first husband was Jewish and from here - in Bethlehem. He moved to Moab with his ...
Shavuot is also one of the Shalosh Regalim, the three pilgrimage festivals which include Shavuot, Sukkot, and Passover. Jews celebrate Shavuot by staying up late into the night learning Torah and ...
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In the days of the Temple, the counting marked the seven weeks from the wheat harvest on the spring festival of Passover, to ...
Join Ben Faulks for a programme all about the celebration of Shavuot and what it represents for Jewish people; rules and why we need them; treating others as individuals. Look at more pictures of ...
Jews with some familiarity of Shavuot probably know the holiday as ... on non-kosher meat for the first time, the Israelites celebrated with the only foods that conformed to the new laws of ...
Shavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah by God to the Jewish people, but, according to the Midrash, the Children of Israel overslept on the morning they were due to receive the Torah, and had ...
Shavuot, a holiday that celebrates the Ten Commandments, begins at sundown on Sunday, June 1, and ends the night of June 3. Some who celebrate the holiday study Jewish law all night on the first ...