Sixteen-year-old Jamie lives with his mother, Elizabeth, and two younger brothers, Alex and Nicholas, in a housing trust home in Adelaide's northern suburbs. Their home is but one of many sun ...
When Mark Ray Haydon has served his time for his role in the Snowtown murders he may not be subject to surveillance, given he will have completed his full sentence. As a result, the South ...
The Snowtown killings, committed by John Justin ... Another four bodies were linked to the killers, but murder convictions were only recorded for three. Haydon, now 65, was never found guilty ...
This is the true story of the Snowtown Murders, a ghastly tale of depravity and murder in the sleepy suburbs of Adelaide. A gang of three, Bunting, Wagner and Vlassakis, had taken the law into their ...
He did the same in Nitram. He did the same in Snowtown Murders. "He looks instead at community and family. And he talked a lot about this, how he loves to look at the way people behave with the ...