The 2024 World Soil Day (celebrated December 5) theme, "Soil Care: Measure, Monitor, and Manage" reminds us that healthy ...
Regardless of your soil type, improving soil health means increasing its ability to hold water and nutrients and provide ...
Almost half of the fields in Northern Ireland have been tested so far as part of a scheme to help farmers understand the ...
Drought, land degradation, industrial farming and pollution are severely damaging soil health, with profound consequences for ...
In today’s agricultural playing field, the focus is being directed at sustainably producing crops for a growing world ...
Researchers have found that soil microbiomes, consisting of up to 10,000 species in just a cup of soil, play crucial roles in ...
Communities of microbes (microbiomes), particularly in soils, can be startlingly diverse, with as many as 10,000 species in ...
In a pair of publications, researchers investigated how different species of microbes interact with one another and exchange ...
Tanzania’s smallholder farmers – who produce most of our food – are under increasing pressure to grow more with fewer ...
World Soil Day is an international event dedicated to raising awareness about the critical importance of healthy soils for ...
Farmers can reduce soil degradation, improve productivity and ensure environmental sustainability by adopting these ...