现在有一款非常受欢迎的索尼SONY WF-C510真无线蓝牙耳机,活动期间售价仅为409元!这款耳机轻盈舒适,适合运动时佩戴。它采用先进的技术 ...
现在购买 Sony WF-C510 真无线蓝牙耳机,可以享受国家补贴和下单即可领取满200元减20元优惠券,参加活动还可以立减2.24元。只要在湖北地区下单,即可享受到额外的立减20%优惠!现在购买只需341.41元,比原价还便宜! Sony WF-C510 是索尼“Truly Wireless”系列的最新 ...
The $59.99 Sony WF-C510 earphones are the company's most affordable option and generally deliver good sound in a well-made design that's comfortable to wear for long listening sessions.
2025年01月16日 06:26中关村在线 ...
The $60 WF-C510 attempt to do just that, relying on Sony’s audio pedigree and the customizability in the Sound Connect app in a smaller package than ever. The WF-C510 is the successor to the WF ...
Sony has launched the Sony WF-C510, which comes in as the successor to their WF-C500, at almost exactly the same price. The earphones are a curious case of performance vs features, where Sony ...