Grain sorghum is widely grown in arid environments as an animal feed grain, but weedy grass control in the crop is a big challenge due to limited post-emergent herbicide options. A joint effort ...
Half a billion of the world’s poorest people rely on the cereal sorghum to feed themselves and their stock. It’s a crop exquisitely adapted to heat and drought, which explains its popularity ...
Hamaker's work, which could lead to sorghum crops with greater dietary benefits, has earned him the 2000 Purdue University Agricultural Research Award. Sorghum is commonly used as animal feed in the ...
Inzen sorghum, marketed by Corteva/Pioneer. This is an ALS-resistant, sulfonylurea-tolerant technology. The corresponding herbicide is nicosulfuron, branded as Zest WDG. Bean says most row-crop ...
WASHINGTON (AFP) — The hardy sweet sorghum plant could be the miracle crop that provides cheap animal feed and fuel without straining the world’s food supply or harming the environment ...
“One limitation to sorghum silage fed to cattle is the digestibility is generally less than that of corn, because corn has less lignin and more grain,” she said. “This can result in less ...
The sorghum plant reacts to this lack of carbon production by robbing carbon from the stalk and leaves to support carbon accumulation in the grain. This potentially leads to lodging as a result of ...
Tremendous gaps remain in our understanding of the valuable traits contained in sorghum genetic resources. Advances in genomics, targeted mutagenesis, reverse genetics and whole-genome DNA sequencing ...
This approach built on previous successes with other crops, focusing in on sorghum for its heat and drought tolerance and well-understood genome. By using advanced gene transfer methods ...