Yes, several species, in fact. Most of Puget Sound is ... blue sharks, thresher sharks, salmon sharks. Lowry said now you can add the sevengill shark and tote shark to that list.
University of Exeter Shark fins: The species is indistinguishable The research ... under the generic name huss, rock, rock salmon or rock eel. The shark was probably imported from areas where ...
A non-native species of salmon has been found in rivers along the west coast of Ireland, causing concern among Irish fishing authorities. Inland Fisheries Ireland said the pink salmon, which are ...
A pod of killer whales has revived a curious trend from the 1980s in which they swim around with dead salmon balanced on ...
No one saw a Mekong giant salmon carp for 15 years, but then the species was spotted in areas of Cambodia that suggest it may be found in more locations. By Rachel Nuwer The Mekong giant salmon ...