TV sketch show BBC Four 2014 2 episodes (1 series) Broadcaster John Sergeant delves into the influence of Spike Milligan both on himself, and on the whole nation. The cream of British comedy pay ...
Spike Milligan was a truly unique comic genius who broke new ground with his brand of eccentric humour. Thanks to legendary series like The Goon Show on radio and Q on television, Spike became one of ...
"To me, the world is screaming out for people with a sense of humour." Monitor spends a day with Spike Milligan in Ken Russell's documentary film. From the BBC Archive. Originally broadcast 6 ...
A homage to Spike Milligan with three short, comic, poignant and surreal dramas and poetic intervals. Hosted by John Hegley and recorded live in Hull in 2018. Agent and friend, Norma Farnes ...