While different squat variations may target additional muscle groups, the primary exercise works one's "quadriceps and gluteus maximus muscles to regulate your descent and bring you back up ...
With the help of an expert, we answer that very question… Both exercises target the same major muscle groups – the quads and glutes – however, they’re not the same beasts. The squat brings ...
Sumo squats offer unique benefits that a standard squat does not. The sumo is able to recruit smaller muscles that help shape and tighten the legs, while also engaging the heavy hitters of your ...
When it comes to squats, the sumo squat and goblet squat might seem like close cousins, but they’re built to target different muscles and fitness goals. Whether you're chasing stronger hips ...
As WH’s Fitness Director and a regular strength trainer, squats are now second nature. I *think* I’ve nailed my form, and from squats with weights to bodyweight squats, I’ve tried a load ...
Sumo squats offer unique benefits that a standard squat does not. The sumo is able to recruit smaller muscles that help shape and tighten the legs, while also engaging the heavy hitters of your lower ...