Stickel said about 2,200 people have already expressed interest in taking part in the luminary walk on the event’s Facebook page, and she expects about a third of them will actually attend.
Turnout for the event’s first two days, Dec. 6 and 7, was “excellent,” said Fenton’s Communication Coordinator Tessa Stickel. “I think a lot of people brought their whole families ...
Die Samtgemeinde Rodenberg bekommt einen neuen Schiedsmann: Dietmar Stickel aus Messenkamp übernimmt die Funktion von dem Apelerner Elmar Meyer. Dessen Amtszeit war im Sommer abgelaufen – aus ...
We all deal with changes. Change is inevitable in our lives and you can either manage change and shape it to your advantage, or let those changes manage and shape you. We have the abilities to ...
Köln. Klaus Stickel hat für die Finanzverwaltung NRW Tausende Autos versteigert - darunter kuriose und sehr teure Stücke. Er ...