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I n a striking instance of technology's political applications, a video featuring an AI-generated deepfake of the late Indonesian dictator Suharto has garnered widespread attention. This video ...
Joko Widodo, Indonesia’s first leader without deep roots in the era of dictator Suharto, was sworn in as president Monday but faces huge challenges to enact a bold reform agenda. The ...
Budiman Sujatmiko has lost none of the passion that he used to show as one of the boldest student opponents of Suharto, the soft-spoken but ruthless dictator who ruled Indonesia for 32 years.
Subianto is the only candidate with links to the 1967-98 Suharto dictatorship, when he was a lieutenant general. A longtime commander in the Kopassus special forces, he was dishonorably discharged ...
In 1996, Mr Tommy Suharto, the youngest son of Indonesia’s dictator, set out to build the Timor, a national car. The plan was to import models manufactured by Kia Motors, a South Korean carmaker ...