Thousands of men are participating in chat groups in which they share suggestions on how to rape and sexually assault women, ...
In response, Telegram said it has "a zero-tolerance policy toward misuse of its platform" and promised immediate blocking of ...
Telegram groups allow users to create and interact with communities of up to 200,000 members. Here's how you can make, find, ...
Telegram is repeatedly the focus of attention. The service is highly attractive for problem groups – but they could be lulled ...
Messaging platform Telegram is set to use industry-leading tools to detect child sexual abuse imagery on public parts of the ...
On December 12, 2024, the EU failed to reach consensus on the controversial Chat Control legislation during a crucial vote ...
Chat groups on Telegram, such as SG Hitch, that connect drivers and passengers have grown in popularity over the years. These chat groups, known as Telehitch groups, started appearing around 2019 ...
That photoshopped image was later circulated in a Telegram chat group that had similar revealing doctored pictures showing other Asian women and girls in compromising positions. Join ST's ...