Conceived and created by Manuel Fernandez, founder of Gavilan Computer Corp., the Gavilan SC was an early laptop computer and was the first to actually ... than rival IBM PC-compatible portable ...
A Greek shipwreck holds the remains of an intricate bronze machine that turns out to be the world's first computer. (This program is no longer available for streaming.) In 1900, a storm blew a ...
Most stories in the history of computing took ... comes close to that of a 1990s era desktop PC. Speaking of PCs, what was the first personal computer? While the Altair 8800 from 1974 might ...
The first computer mouse was invented in the early ... making it one of the most ubiquitous input devices in history.
If you skip ahead in the video to around the one-hour mark, you can see Jim Harding showing off a MicroFrame system that was thought to be the model used by Seattle Computer Products to demonstrate ...