After that, the living Jesus spent time with the apostles and promised to send the Holy Spirit to them, and ascended back into heaven. Pentecost is the day for Christians to remember the coming of ...
for Christ promised His Apostles that after His Ascension He would send the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth, to teach them all truths and to abide with them forever. Q. 432. Has any one ever ...
(Matthew 28:19–20) The Holy Spirit came to the apostles in the form of tongues of fire that rested on each of them without burning them. The apostles then discovered that they could speak in ...
Acts is the second volume of the two-volume work, Luke-Acts ... statement as an outline for Acts. Once the apostles are "baptized with the Holy Spirit" (1:5) at Pentecost (2), they evangelize ...
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. There are many myths about the holy apostles Peter and Paul. For example concerning the apostle Peter, it is said that he founded the ...