The amorphous state of matter is the most abundant form of visible matter in the universe, and includes all structurally ...
Defects are responsible for many well-known processes: plastic deformations and fracture in metals are governed by dislocations, vortices in the atmosphere show up as tornadoes, disclinations in ...
In Greek mythology, the Hydra is a nine-headed monster slain by Heracles, each of whose heads grows back as soon as it is cut off. Discovered in the 18th century, Hydra is also the name given to a ...
This includes materials with topological defects such as skyrmions, or topologically-protected edge modes, such as topological insulators and symmetry-protected topological phases such as ...
Topological insulators are strange stuff – the bulk of this material is insulating and cannot carry an electrical current, yet the surfaces of the same material are conducting. This means that charged ...
Our research group fabricates and studies colloidal particles with different numbers of handles and genus g. When introduced into a nematic liquid crystal, these particles induce three-dimensional ...
Besides extensive fundamental research, he has commercialised indigenously developed technologies for liquid crystal devices, a press release said ...