To the east the Gabbra people had been pushing cattle into Daasanach territory. To the west the Turkana tribe was bothering Daasanach fishermen on the lake. Both tribes are larger, better ...
Poor rains, livestock disease, a locust invasion are among the factors blamed for the starvation Kenyans have accused their government of ignoring drought victims following reports that at least ...
Where do we come from and where are we heading to? The story of the film takes place in Turkana, Kenya. This unique place is also known as the Cradle of Humankind where the discoveries of ...
Dated to between 1.5 and 1.6 mya, and discovered on the western side of Lake Turkana Kenya in the mid 1980s by Kamoya Kimeu, leader of the paleontological team dubbed the ‘Hominid Gang’.