With the new animated movie "Ultraman: Uprising" popping off on Netflix, a whole new audience is getting introduced to one of Japan's most prolific and longstanding sci-fi franchises. While ...
Ultraman has been a prominent media franchise in Japan since the television series Ultra Q first premiered in 1966. Even from a distance, the character made an impact on a young Shannon Tindle ...
The 60-year-old series is huge in Japan, so here's everything you need to know before jumping in. Ultraman: Rising is just around the corner, with the film set to be released this week. This ...
The event will feature a discussion with director Shannon Tindle, co-director John Aoshima, producers Tom Knott and Lisa Poole, and production designer Marcos Mateu Mestre.
GigaBash downloadable content “Ultraman: Rising,” which adds new playable character Ultraman and Emi from Netflix‘s animated superhero film of the same name, will launch on November 28 ...
He was praised for his exceptional performance as an alien called Kemur in “Ultra Q.” At the age of 23, Furuya was picked to play Ultraman, given his slim figure. He reproduced the character ...
GigaBash has been receiving a pretty steady stream of DLC since its arrival back in 2022, and the latest addition sees another iteration of Ultraman joining the battle. This DLC is based on the ...