John Reeves’s Soldier of Destiny represents the latest work of revision and rediscovery of this most important historical figure in U.S. history. Although not a detailed biography, Reeves’ book ...
Commemorating the 200th anniversary of the birth U.S. Grant, this volume consists of essays on various aspects of his life, reputation, and memorialization. There are papers on his character, early ...
So did Ulysses S. Grant. Desperate for money, Grant turned to writing his wartime memoirs as a way to support his family. He began by selling short magazine articles, then negotiated a book ...
Ulysses S. Grant continued the American tradition of electing military figures as presidents—those men who led and won key battles in war. Attempting to be apolitical, Grant campaigned on the ...
An attempt to cut down on the illegal cotton trade, Grant’s decision, announced on this day in 1862, was immensely controversial and hounded him for years Eli Wizevich The Union general directly ...
We must recognize Israel's achievements under difficult circumstances, even as we strive in a positive way to help Israel continue to improve its relations with its Arab populations, but we must not p ...
Thousands of mourners accompanied Grant's tomb through New York City. New York Historical Society. As Ulysses S. Grant's funeral procession made its way through New York City on August 8 ...
A strange notice appeared in the March 27, 1867, issue of the Pulaski Citizen newspaper, which usually carried mostly brief news items and short advertisements for attorneys, carpenters, and goods ...