Disney has announced two new music-driven comedy series to premiere in 2025 on Disney Channel and Disney+. One of them, "Vampirina," is based on the children's books by Anne Maria Pace and ...
She recently landed a lead role in an upcoming Disney Channel show. “I’m going to be playing ‘Sophie’ in ‘Vampirina’ which is still a working title,” she said. “‘Vee’ is a ...
Disney has announced two new music-driven comedy series to premiere in 2025 on Disney Channel and Disney+. One of them, “Vampirina,” is based on the children’s books by Anne Maria Pace and ...
11-year-old Jiwon Lee recently landed the role of "Sophie" in "Vampirina" (working title), and sat down with NewsChannel 6 to talk about her performing arts journey. Jon Stewart Says ‘I Respect ...