While the Japanese are no strangers to vending machines that dispense everything ... with some now serving hot bowls of ramen at the push of a button. Canned ramen’s journey, on the other ...
And the shop emphasizes it only uses ingredients produced in Japan. “We used to make vending machines for a few years ... comes out after pressing the button, please make a different selection.” ...
“A landscape with a vending machine, which is unique to Japan, probably appears curious to people from other countries,” Ohashi said. “Perhaps viewers are projecting the solitude of modern ...
At slightly over 5 million nationwide, vending machines are everywhere in Japan. They are on nearly every block in Tokyo and dotted across even the most spartan landscapes in the country's vast ...
Vending machines and traditional wooden kokeshi dolls are both icons of Japanese culture, and a hot spring resort in northeastern Fukushima Prefecture has combined the two. The novelty of being ...
Vending machines in Japan will offer free food and drink in the event of a major earthquake or typhoon. Two machines have been installed in the western coastal city of Ako, which lies in a region ...
MANILA, Philippines — Riding high on the popularity of Labubu and other tiny toys, Japanese brand Gashapon recently set up capsule vending machine stations in Manila with the aim of fueling the ...