Moreover, the Mormons have developed every source of industry that goes to the making of a commercially independent commonwealth. Unlike the other intermontane states, Utah possesses a complete ...
Circa 600 B.C. According to Mormon belief, an Israelite named Lehi journeys with his family from the Middle East to the Americas. Lehi's descendants divide into two tribes, the Nephites and the ...
Did you know that the Mormons do, or once did, baptize the dead retroactively into the Mormon faith? I had forgotten about this until Maureen Dowd reminded me in her column today: Hitchens noted ...
I have a child on a Mormon mission and I stopped believing while she was away. if I knew then what I know now, I would have never sent her. it's going to break her heart. Part of the Mormon faith ...
Smith of the Mormon Church with the question whether the Mormons would obey the revelations of their Church when these revelations came in conflict with the law of the land. View Full Article in ...
While members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints have historically voted for Republicans by and large, some ...
Mormons have always had a peculiar hold on the American imagination, but few know who the Mormons actually are or who they claim to be, and their story is one of the great neglected American ...