In the previous pair of installments in this series, you built a simple Verilog demonstration consisting of an adder and a few flip flop-based circuits. The simulations work, so now it is time to ...
You don’t usually think of simulating Verilog code — usually for an FPGA — as a visual process. You write a test script colloquially known as a test bench and run your simulation.
In Verilog, the digital circuit can be described in terms of a network of digital components. Verilog programming has the same C language type syntax. Verilog is used to describe hardware whereas C ...
There are many other cases where we see code duplication. “System Verilog Macro” is one of the many solutions to address such duplication. Such macro is very efficient and can help save a lot of time ...
Assertion is a very powerful feature of System Verilog HVL (Hardware Verification Language). Nowadays it is widely adopted and used in most of the design verification projects. This article explains ...
This chapter includes VLSI projects based on digital circuit design using Verilog programming and functional verification with a truth table on Xilinx tool. Xilinx ISE is one of the useful simulators ...
gvim_for_verilog 仓库是用于分享适用于Verilog的VIM配置方案,重点在于简洁使用,开箱即用!!!有问题以及改进欢迎提PR,或者直接联系作者邮箱[email protected] 本文将详细描述将vim变成写Verilog代码的IDE客制化的实现过程,同时最后提供自己的环境。实现的过程中有 ...