Its mostly bald head helps the white-backed vulture regulate its body temperature during hot days and cool nights, as well as stay clean while it eats because feathers can trap germs. This large ...
Sub-Saharan vulture with a white head and pink face, known for its solitary nature. Prefers smaller carcasses, often seen alone. “Pharaoh’s Chicken” with a yellow face, known for using tools ...
Of the vulture species in India, the white-rumped vulture, Indian vulture and red-headed vulture have suffered the most significant long-term declines since the early 2000s, with populations ...
By Sean Mowbray In July this year, conservationists from North Carolina Zoo in the U.S. and the Grumeti Fund in Tanzania went ...
The statistics indicate that Ruppell’s and White-headed vulture species are the most affected, having experienced declines of 97 per cent and 96 per cent, respectively, in the last 50 years.
The statistics indicate that Ruppell’s and White-headed vulture species are the most affected, having experienced declines of 97 per cent and 96 per cent, respectively, in the last 50 years.
"We've been seeing carcasses of elephants, some four months old, some less than a week old" reports Alastair Leithead, flying over Botswana Among the dead were also 17 white-headed vultures and 28 ...
The Gujarat forest department has established an 11-member committee to revive the vulture population which faced a devastating decline due to toxic veterinary drugs. The initiative includes ...