据IT之家了解,Fluent Design 的亚克力(Acrylic)效果是一种模糊效果,可以使基于亚克力的元素背后的内容或网页隐约可见。例如,在 Windows 11 上的 Edge ...
在Windows 11系统的Edge浏览器中,当用户右键单击时,弹出的菜单便采用了这种效果,为操作界面带来了耳目一新的视觉感受。这一设计正是Fluent Design ...
Replacing the Microsoft Design Language in 2017, Fluent Design embraces light and depth to move away from the entirely flat look of Windows 8 and 10. For example, Acrylic is a translucent material ...
The new token system is designed to enable a more seamless handoff from design to development teams. Currently, Fluent 2 contains components for Web React, iOS, and Windows, and Android componen ...