The color of your pee can tell you a lot about your overall health—if you know what you are looking at and for. The shades of ...
We've all heard that staying hydrated is a pillar of good health. And one way to know is to tune into the color of your urine. But exactly what color should healthy urine be and what do you need ...
The color of your pee can tell you a lot about your health. Urine changes color based on how hydrated you are and because of certain medical conditions. If you have any questions or concerns based ...
So, it’s important to take a peek in the toilet before you flush to check out the color of your urine. “Monitoring urine color is an effective way to monitor your hydration status,” says Dr.
Your urine colours can give important clues about your health as it forms when your kidneys filter your blood, removing extra water and waste. This mix, which is about 95% water with other ...
Urine color is mainly determined by chemical content and concentration. Urine is usually yellow due to the naturally occurring pigment urobilin, formed as a result of heme breakdown. [11 ...
The color of your urine doesn’t tell you much about the state of your kidney function until damage to the kidneys has progressed. Still, urine color changes may be an early indicator of some issues.