A series of American satirical comedy films that feature a dimwitted, narcissistic male model named Derek Zoolander (VH1's three-time male model of the year) and Hansel McDonald a rival male ...
A series of American satirical comedy films that feature a dimwitted, narcissistic male model named Derek Zoolander (VH1's three-time male model of the year) and Hansel McDonald a rival male ...
Derek Zoolander is VH1's three time male model of the year, but when Hansel wins the award instead, Zoolander's world becomes upside down. His friends disappear, his father is disappointed in him ...
The 2001 comedy Zoolander is still widely popular with audiences nearly 25 years after its release. However, Ben Stiller recalled how one of the movie's funniest gags almost didn't see the light ...