Kaithi and LCU In a recent interview, Lokesh Kanagaraj said that the next film with Vijay ‘Thalapathy 67’ will be 100% his film. The director of Vikram said that he will have full control over ...
VIJAYAWADA: Minister for Human Resource Development, IT, Electronics & Communications Nara Lokesh inaugurated a showroom of Vijay Digital in Mangalagiri on Friday. Lokesh lauded Vijay Digital for ...
Film director and producer Lokesh Kanagaraj in a short video clip was seen confirming the sequel of Thalapathy Vijay's Leo. Here's what he said. Lokesh Kanagaraj is going to begin 'Kaithi 2' with ...
Actor Vijay and director Lokesh Kanagaraj’s ‘Leo’ released all over the world today and celebrations were rampant in Chennai as well, as fans flocked to theatres. Despite the absence of ...
Vijay and Lokesh Kanagraj's second outing, the film explores the life of a former gangster who tries to sever all ties with his past. Yet, a chance encounter with a group of dangerous criminals ...