Given the recent decline of US economic engagement in Africa, it is to Chinese and African leaders' credit that the comprehensive, measurable, practical and forward-looking outcome of the FOCAC ...
Amid this “second awakening” in the words of some locals, Africa has a true friend in the Global South: China. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s visit to four African countries at the ...
"China will firmly support Africans in addressing African issues in the African way ... unwavering and unparalleled in the history of international relations. "By upholding this tradition ...
The outgoing year of 2024 has been phenomenally significant in relations and cooperation between Africa and China. This is not because it has been less significant in the past but because in a ...
China's top diplomat to visit four African countries this week Annual New Year tour maintains a 35 year-long tradition Beijing boosting financial, infrastructure support for Africa Consistency of ...
Maintaining a 35-year tradition that the Chinese foreign minister visits Africa on the first overseas trip at the start of a year, Member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China ...
New avenues for China's flagging export economy Wang's decision to visit Africa, and specifically the Republic of Congo, is strategically important.The country recently became co-chair of the ...
What did the Chinese foreign minister say in Nigeria? He pledged one billion yuan (€132 million, $136 million) in military aid to Africa, saying that China would also help to train 6,000 troops ...
While it may be some time before the broader impact of those moves will be clear, Cobus Van Staden, a China-Africa expert with the South African Institute for International Affairs, says one ...