THE enormous amount of heat evolved during the combustion of aluminium has been applied, in recent years, to several industrial operations. The following easily performed eXperiment shows in a ...
If electricity flows through a material, the material is said to “conduct” electricity. In this activity, you can use batteries, an aluminum foil wire, and a light bulb from a flashlight to see if ...
For the coronagraph instrument originally proposed for the next-generation infrared astronomical satellite project SPICA (SCI: SPICA Coronagraph Instrument), we fabricated and evaluated the optics ...
Continue making predictions and testing each object. The paper clips, jar lid, and nail are probably magnetic. The metal spoon will be magnetic if it is stainless steel but not magnetic if it is ...
The primary chemical used in these experiments is Tri-methyl aluminum (TMA), which creates a luminescent effect in the artificial vapor. NASA assures that these compounds are completely harmless ...