The church is located at 320 W. Walnut St. Bible class, 9:30 a.m.; worship at 10:30 a.m. The church is located at 328 N. Swope St. Worship, 9:30 a.m.; Scripture: Luke 1:26-38; sermon: “The ...
"In places like this, where temples suffered bleeding wounds, prayers for holy Russia are particularly strong," Father Oleg said of the service. Ukraine's Orthodox community is currently in disarray ...
This we ask in the name of the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Anyone can be involved in prayers for remembering, whether in church or at home. All you need for this simple prayer is a poppy each.
As for next week's Epic freebies - which take over from Brotato in seven days time - you'll be getting public transportation shenanigans in Stillalive Studios' Bus Simulator 21, plus some family ...