በትግራይ ክልል ጊዜያዊ አስተዳደር አቶ ጌታቸው ረዳ የሚመራውና፣ በህወሓት ሊቀመንበር ዶ.ር. ደብረጽዮን ገብረሚካኤል የሚመራው ቡድን፣ ባለፈው ሣምንት ከጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ዐብይ አሕመድ ጋራ ውይይት ...
በሽብር ወንጀል ተጠርጥረው ክስ የተመሠረተባቸው የፌደራል እና የክልል ምክር ቤት አባል የሆኑት አቶ ክርስቲያን ታደለ እና አቶ ዮሐንስ ቧያለው "በተደጋጋሚ አቤቱታ" ባለፈው ሰኞ ቀዶ ጥገና ...
በወቅቱ የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ውስጥ ተጠቃሽ ከሆኑ የዘመኑ ፖለቲከኞች መካከል አንዱ የሆነው ጃዋር መሐመድ 'አልፀፀትም' በሚል ርዕስ ያዘጋጀውን መጽሐፍ በቀጣይ ሳምንት በኬንያ መዲና ናይሮቢ ...
The ground floor also holds a vinyl bar with a music-themed cocktail list (“The Emancipation of Mimi,” named after Mariah ...
Independent news and stories connecting you to life in Australia and Amharic-speaking Australians.
የሶማሊያ ወታደሮች በከፊል ራስ ገዝ ከሆነችው ከጁባላንድ ኃይሎች ጋራ ትላንት ከተጋጩ በኋላ ከያዙት ሥፍራ ለቀው ማፈግፈጋቸውን ሞቃዲሾ ዛሬ ሐሙስ አስታውቃለች፡፡ ግጭት የማይለያት ሶማሊያ በአምስት ...
Ethiopia’s prolonged conflict between the army and Fano rebels in the north has caused a humanitarian crisis. It has also spurred the warring parties to use disinformation techniques to spread ...
Independent news and stories connecting you to life in Australia and Amharic-speaking Australians.
The beheading of a teenager in Ethiopia's Oromia region sparked protests in November 2024. It was the latest in a series of ...
One of Africa's most alluring destinations allows visitors to sip coffee in the beverage's homeland, take in scenic mountain ...
Lucy’s Legacy
A collection of 3-million-year-old bones unearthed 50 years ago in Ethiopia changed our understanding of human origins.
DW's GirlZ Off Mute provides a platform for young, female reporters across Africa. Deutsche Welle reaches 91 million ...