This undated video screenshot shows Li Ziqi receiving an interview with Xinhua. (Xinhua) ...
"The Rising Clouds, Blooming Flower," a joint art project initiated by renowned film director Wong Kar-wai and the ...
穿梭在古色古香的南京街头,每一步都踏着历史的回响。而在这座充满故事的城市里,有一种味道,不仅温暖了胃,更治愈了心灵——那就是传说中的美龄粥。美龄粥在南京可算是家喻户晓,做法也并不难,但是,能做的好吃的可是寥寥无几。一般人吃这道美食都会选择去南京大排档 ...
“五星出东方利中国”织锦(复制品)细节。 尼雅遗址 位于我国新疆塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地的尼雅遗址有着“东方庞贝”之称,它被证实为《汉书》所记载的丝绸之路南道绿洲城邦“精绝国”旧址。作为西汉时期西域三十六国之一,精绝国虽是弹丸之地,却是丝绸之路的必经之地。 Located in the heart of the Taklamakan Desert in ...
These awe inspiring performances all stem from ancient Chinese color tricks. "The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea", "The ...
Building on the momentum of its facilitation of the reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran, China "has promoted de-escalation efforts and long-term peace" in the Middle East, according to an ...
Luban Workshop is a project named after an ancient Chinese craftsman to provide vocational skills training for local people.
在山东滕州,有这样的一个习俗:吃鱼时不吃鱼头。这背后藏着一个温馨的故事:这是因为“鲁”字的上半部分是“鱼”,不吃鱼头就是不吃“鲁头”,以此表达对“百工圣祖”鲁班的敬仰。In Tengzhou, Shandong, there is such ...
BEIJING, Dec. 4 (Xinhua) -- Young people in China are increasingly gravitating toward traditional culture, Gao Zheng, curator of the National Museum of China, said on Tuesday. More than 62 percent of ...