Serving as a prequel to Bakemonogatari and the origin of the protagonist Koyomi Araragi (Hiroshi Kamiya), this movie kicks off the Monogatari story initially written by NISIOISN. The franchise is ...
Available with multiple language options. Spring break, an interval of time between the second and third year of high school. Koyomi Araragi encounters a blood-chillingly beautiful woman. The ...
There’s a whole lot to admire in this project. The swing-out transparent OLED display is super slick, the electronics are housed on a single PCB, the back half of the grip is in fact a portable ...
LG has a bit of a penchant for eye-catching TV features over recent editions of CES – remember the rollable TV? Well at this show it’s going several times better with a transparent 4K OLED TV. How ...
Transparent solar panels are the newest advancement in solar technology and promise to change how we view renewable energy. These new flexible and nearly transparent panels produce electricity 1000 ...
In design theory, extensive use of Glass is often avoided on south-facing facades in the Northern Hemisphere (or north-facing facades in the Southern Hemisphere) due to the risk of heat gain ...