Google Maps Timeline now stores data on your device. Learn how to enable cloud backup and avoid losing your location history.
Google has announced A powerful new Google Photos feature to help clean up cloud storage space and prevent accidental ...
If you want to save memories from your Google Photos, saving each pic one by one can be a headache. Here's how to do it all ...
Duplicati, a free download on both macOS and Windows, puts encrypted backups of all your important files into the cloud ...
If you have a Google Drive account, you know emails, photos, videos and other digital documents can eat up the 15GB of free ...
You don't have to spend hours deleting all your spam emails and unsubscribing to newsletters you stopped reading. Instead, try this hack to get back to inbox zero.
As Gmail users complain hackers have compromised accounts, changing passwords and passkeys in the process, Google advises ...
Privacy measure leaves some mourning lost memories A year ago, Google announced plans to save people's Location History, ...
To back up your Gmail messages, go to Google Takeout. Using our test Gmail account that held about 75,000 messages, we got a download from Google Takeout in about 2 hours. Once you've saved a copy ...
Google announced that Maps Location History would be moving to your phone, and this Timeline change is widely rolling out.
ChatGPT is Down. OpenAI's popular AI chatbot is experiencing a series of service interruptions today leaving millions of ...
Streamline your Android inbox by backing up important emails and efficiently deleting unwanted ones with these simple steps.