The Penguin, HBO's new, unique series about the limitless skyline of Gotham City, follows the path of Oswald Cobblepot from The Penguin's rise in the criminal world without ever letting him meet the ...
In The Batman, Matt Reeves explores a dark and realistic version of the Dark Knight, played by Robert Pattinson, in a breathtaking investigation broadcast on TF1 on Sunday, January 26, 2025.
Bruce Wayne (Batman), Oswald Cobblepot (The Penguin), Selina Kyle (Catwoman), Harvey Dent (Two-Face), Waylon Jones (Killer Croc), and Edward Nygma (The Riddler) all grew up together, and now ...
to Colin Farrell’s standout turn as Oswald Cobblepot aka The Penguin. A sequel was inevitable, but what do we know about the next instalment in this revamped Batman saga? Speaking at the event ...
The Batman ended with Pattinson’s Dark Knight ... and Colin Farrell as Oswald Cobblepot, aka The Penguin. Farrell is also starring in Max’s spinoff series, The Penguin, which will chronicle ...
The Batman movies have included some absolute bangers in their soundtracks ... The whole thing is like a Shakespearean tragedy performed by Cirque Du Soleil. Oswald Cobblepot was born to socialites ...
When you think of the Batman universe, there aren't a ton of characters that come to mind as being baby name possibilities. Sure, there's Bruce Wayne or even Harley Quinn, but no one is likely naming ...