Hello. I'm Jewels, aka Mamma Bear, who was born under a rock and grew like a chia pet. I'm a self-taught digital artist. I specialize in translating ideas into awesome designs and growth in skills.
People keep coming back! uwanikoq has an exceptional number of repeat buyers.
For about a year, I’ve gotten notes from readers asking why our YouTube embeds are broken in one very specific way: you can no longer click the title to open the video on YouTube.com or in the ...
Experiment for making video streaming work for discord selfbots.
Users and big media have noticed this year that YouTube degraded the experience with video embeds. Videos embedded using YouTube Player for Publishers no longer link to YouTube Usually ...
YouTube has degraded the user experience on some player embeds. These affected embedded players no longer let you click on the title link to have the video open on YouTube or the app. The company ...