The animated series followed Douglas Yancey Funnie, who lived in the fictional town of Bluffington with his parents, Phil and Theda, and his sister, Judy. Also fixtures in the show were Doug's ...
Cassius Rondel is Judy's crush and love interest at the Moody High School, and a minor character in the TV series Doug. He appeared in Doug's Cartoon where he and his classmate protesting to free Doug ...
Even though he knows he is not supposed to, Doug loans Roger his school newspaper press pass so Roger can get into an early screening of a movie. But after Roger gives a bad review of the movie to the ...
Weaver Stanton, his three children Jennifer (Mark) Tuller, Jeremiah (Dawn) Stanton, and Walter (Dorothy) Stanton, and many additional family members. Arrangements will be announced by the Peterson ...
Ontario’s Ford says Canada, U.S. should avoid trade war and take on China Doug Ford told CNN that cutting off energy exports to the U.S. remained 'a tool that we have in our toolbox' to ...
Michael Douglas has revealed he has been enjoying a ... 80 in September told an an onstage conversation at Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea Film Festival that he had been taking time off for the first ...
Paul Douglas is a nationally-respected meteorologist, with 40 years of broadcast television and radio experience. Douglas graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Meteorology from the ...
Doug Kammerer is Storm Team4's chief meteorologist, forecasting the weather weekdays on News4 at 4, 5, 6 and 11 and working with NBC4’s team of meteorologists to bring viewers the most accurate ...